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AnyTour Adds Immersive Video Tours
CampusTours / October 12, 2024
Gemological Institute of America has recently implemented the new CampusTours ImmersiveVideoTour CampusTours is proud to announce the debut of CampusTours’ newest virtual tour product – ImmersiveVideoTours! In

CampusTours Enhances Interactive Tours with Matterport and Google Street View Integration
CampusTours / November 17, 2023
CampusTours Enhances Interactive Tours with Matterport and Google Street View Integration CampusTours, a leading provider of interactive virtual tour and map software, has announced exciting new features for its

AnyTour Adds Language Toggle
CampusTours / August 25, 2023
CampusTours new AnyTour 7.0 system may now be configured to include an international Language Toggle feature. Unlike other virtual tour systems, CampusTours AnyTour toggles the entirety of the interface,

AnyMap & AnyTour Add Support for Audio Description (AD) Video
CampusTours / August 18, 2023
The virtual tour presentation for the National Institutes of Health implements support for Audio Description (AD) videos. CampusTours AnyTour continues to add new accessibility features and support, and now

Move-In Maps Help Schools Manage Return to Campus
CampusTours / July 27, 2022
Kennesaw State University’s custom Move-In Maps (https://maps.kennesaw.edu) As colleges and universities begin to prepare for Return to Campus weekends, and millions of families pack up the family car

What Students Say They Want in Virtual Tours
CampusTours / March 29, 2022
When asked by InsideHigherEd what content and features they desire in virtual campus tours, students are very clear with their top choices: Interactive Campus Map Video Tour Video

Map Styles Offer Different Advantages
CampusTours / March 20, 2022
Organizations use a wide variety of styles of maps to convey different information. CampusTours AnyMap supports all of these map styles, as well as pretty much any other style

Campus Maps Deliver Online Video Orientations
CampusTours / September 21, 2021
Coupling videos with coordinated map movement is a feature CampusTours first debuted in virtual tours in 2009, but the use of “map coordinated video” has seen a dramatic rise

Inexpensive Aerial Photographs Offer Quick Campus Maps
CampusTours / September 21, 2021
As the costs of creating custom map artwork continue to rise, organizations are increasingly considering less-expensive alternatives including aerial photography. Aerial photograph maps utilize aerial photos taken from a

Embedded AnyMap
CampusTours / September 14, 2021
Embed your interactive campus map into your Website with AnyMap
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